자원봉사 검색

by airplanez



1365 Volunteer Search1365 Provides information provided by the volunteer portal. You can search volunteer information by region and period. * function - Search volunteer information (Jabong) by province, city, search term, and volunteer schedule - Automatically save volunteer information you have searched for - Link to 1365 site for detailed information and volunteer application - Search for volunteer learning information* How to use - Search by province, city, or period of time - Check information or use 1365 link* Settings menu - Color theme: Selectable from system, light, and dark.* caution - Information is for reference only. - The API data provided by the app may be different from the 1365.go.kr site information. * Disclaimer - This app is not affiliated with the government and is not authorized to support government services. - We receive and use publicly available data. - The source of information is indicated in the source indication of public works.* Indication of source of public works / use of public data - This app uses open source and publicly available images. - Use of public data API: The app was developed using public data provided by the public data portal (www.data.go.kr). - Korea Central Volunteer Center CI (icon) used: www.v1365.or.kr - Use of 1365 volunteer data: www.1365.go.kr - Use of Seoul Open API: The app was developed using public data provided by Seoul Open Data Plaza. - Using the Ministry of Public Administration and Security API: We developed an app using the volunteer participation information service, volunteer learning information service, and code inquiry service provided by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. - This work used the ‘Volunteer Participation Information Service (author: Private Cooperation Division)’ created by the ‘Ministry of the Interior and Safety’ in ‘2017’ and opened as Public Nuri Type 1, and the work was accessed through the ‘Public Data Portal, www. You can download it for free at ‘data.go.kr’. - This work used the Volunteer Learning Information Service (author: Private Cooperation Division) created by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety in 2017 and opened as Public Nuri Type 1, and the work is available through the Public Data Portal, www. You can download it for free at ‘data.go.kr’. - This work used the Code Inquiry Service (author: Private Cooperation Division) created by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security in 2017 and opened as Public Nuri Type 1, and the work in question is Public Data Portal, www.data You can download it for free at ‘.go.kr’.* privacy policy - https://airplanezapk.blogspot.com/2020/08/privacy-policy.html